Clinical Psychologist Needed for Locum Tenens Coverage at Correctional Facility in Gig Harbor, Washington
A correctional facility is seeking a clinical psychologist for locum tenens coverage.
Looking for things to do in Gig Harbor, WA? Climb to Finholm View, take in the view from Bogue Viewing Platform, or stroll in Skansie Brothers Park.
The schedule will be 5 8s (M-F) or 4 10s. There will be typical forensic cases. The facility has no EMR. A license is required prior to starting. Travel and lodging are negotiable.
Dates Needed: February - Ongoing
Case Load/PPD: 8-6
Shift Type: Day Shift
Assignment Type: Outpatient
Assignment Duration: Locums
Shift Hours: Full time (40 hours)
Call Required: No
Board Certification Required: No
Prescriptive Authority Required: Yes
Patient Population: Adults
Government: Yes
Reference ID: ORD-170692-PhD-WA