Job Description:
The Speech Language Pathologist is responsible for utilizing inclusive, push-in practices to provide and coordinate specially designed instruction in communication to meet the needs of individual students with disabilities in collaboration with general education teachers. The teacher will participate as a member of a group of qualified professionals in the assessment and program evaluation for students. This position requires experience or demonstrated ability to work with students in all eligibility categories as well as students with varying degrees of ability level. Additionally, the speech language pathologist will be responsible for writing annual Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students qualifying for special education services, as well as providing supervision for classroom para educators in the delivery of IEP goals and objectives. The speech language pathologist serves as an advocate for the special education student in the general education setting as well as in the special education classroom.
Performance Responsibilities:
- Fostering the intellectual, social development, and behavior of children with special needs by instructing students to improve their success in communication using district approved curriculum.
- Provide engaging instruction using research-based effective instructional strategies that are developmentally appropriate for individual student needs.
- Coordinate with general education teachers
- Plan and manage student Individual Education Plans and transition plans
- Demonstrated ability to use data to determine and write present levels, IEP goals and objectives
- Consult with parents, general education teachers and staff by providing recommendations to improve student school and home performance
- Utilize assistive technology based on student need
- Coordinate para educators to implement IEPs
- Manages a caseload as determined by district needs
- Coordinate with the occupational therapist in the provision of specialist services for eligible students as needed
- Working knowledge of computer programs including Microsoft Office, Word, FileMaker Pro, grading and attendance programs and IEPOL
- Participate and cooperate with other members of the staff in planning instructional/behavioral goals, objectives and methods of instruction
- Works to establish and maintain open lines of communication with students and their parents concerning both the broad academic and behavioral progress of all assigned students
- Establishes and maintains cooperative relations with others
Speech Language Pathologist
Special Education
Pioneer School District
2025-2026 School Year
Performance Responsibilities (cont.):
- Participates in building and district level professional learning communities
- Must attend and participate in all faculty and staff meetings except when excused by the principal
- May include lifting, bending, stooping, stretching or other physical activities
- Other responsibilities as assigned by supervisor
- Maintains accurate, complete and correct records as required by law, district policy and administrative regulations.
- Makes provision for being available to students and parents for education-related purposes outside the instructional day when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms.
- Other responsibilities as assigned by the supervisor.
Required Qualifications:
- A Washington State ESA Certification.
- Job related experience along with knowledge of age appropriate teaching methods and Washington state learning standards.
- Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks, maintain records, establish and maintain cooperative relationships with students, parents, other school personnel, and meet schedules and deadlines.
- Effective verbal and written communication skills including the ability to professionally and respectfully engage in conversations with students, parents, and staff.
- Experience successfully using assessment data for instructional decision-making to improve student learning and/or behavior.
Salary schedule is starting rate BA0/0-$61,093.00 to MA90/16-$115,149.00 depending on experience and transcripts.
Insurance Benefits Employees who are anticipated to work 630 hours during the school year (September 1 through August 31) are eligible for medical, dental, vision, long term disability and basic life insurance benefits.Pioneer School District
benefits are administered by the Washington State Healthcare Authority under the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB). Click on the link for information on available benefit options.
Retirement and Deferred Compensation
Eligible employees are required to be a member of the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems Plan. . For eligibility information, check on the link to the Department of Retirement Systems ' web site. Employees also have the ability to participate in tax deferred 403(b) and 457 Deferred Compensation Plans (DCP). These are supplemental retirement savings programs that allow you control over the amount of pre-tax salary dollars you defer as well as the flexibility to choose between multiple investment options.Click on the link for information on the 457 plan (DCP) with the Department of Retirement Systems. To enroll in an eligible 403(b) plan, employees must consult with their own financial planner that is an approved vendor.